Pick from More Periods
John Haber
in New York City
Art's previous history!
Modernism: back when it meant something
If there is a problem with art today, it must be found here in the avant-garde—in a still-new century already about to close. It must be found amid the egos and the crises, the breakthroughs for women and the sexism, the provocation of the machine and the unconscious. It must be. So before someone can define Postmodernism, I had better start by trying to define Modernism. But what if it cannot be done?
After two world wars: Modernism settles down
Postmodernism has criticized modern art for giving in to the museum. After the world wars, if ever, must be just the time to find it happening. Surely here, with the backing of American power, I can find a rock-solid institution called Modernism. Right?
Minimalism and its rivals: Modernism in a meltdown
The 1960s brought the first cracks in Modernism. Here were Minimalism's rejection of critical pieties, the first videos and installations, the blankness of abstract painting, and music left seemingly to chance. Were they the end of an institution or its most frightening culmination?
Postmodernism and the culture wars: decades of dissent
The 1980s wore irony on its sleeve. Theories first voiced a decade earlier hit the art scene with a bang. On one street in Soho Neo-Pop artists played to the grandstands, while just three doors down Neo-Expressionism shouted still louder. So what is postmodern art after all?
Vital signs: what I am learning now
Suddenly, the debate has taken on softer tones. Irony has recovered its sense of humor, just when women artists are taking the lead. Artists have discovered the personal side of abstraction and the heroic pretensions of video art. So is Postmodernism over, or has it only just begun?
- Out the Other
- Abloh
- Adnan
- "After Nature"
- Aguilar
- Alekhuogie
- Al-Hadid
- Allen
- Al-Maria
- "<Alt> Digital Media"
- Althamer
- Althoff
- Altmejd
- Alÿs
- Anadol
- Antoni
- "theanyspacewhatever"
- Aranda
- Arcangel
- Archer
- "Ardor and Irony"
- "Art and China After 1989"
- "Art Happens Here"
- Atkins
- S. Attie
- "Attract/Repel"
- T. Auerbach
- avaf
- Azoulay
- Bader
- R. Bailey
- S. Bailey
- Baker Cahill
- Baley
- Balincourt
- Barney
- Bartana
- Bauer
- Beasley
- Beatz
- Becket
- Beebe
- J. Benning
- Berkenblit
- "Besides, With, Against, and Yet"
- Betts
- Bhabha
- Bianchi
- Biggers
- J. Biggs
- Binion
- "Bitstreams"
- Black
- "Black Atlantic"
- "Black Cowboy"
- Blackmon
- Blum
- "The Body in Question"
- Bonvicini
- Boothby
- Bordowitz
- "Born in Flames"
- Bouchet
- Boursier-Mougenot
- Boyd
- Brackens
- Bradley
- K. Bradford
- Brambilla
- Brannon
- Brennan Hinton
- "Broken Nature"
- J. Brown
- M. Brown
- "Brucennial"
- Bruguera
- Burgin
- Buschi
- "Bush League"
- Bushwick open studios
- "But a Storm Is Blowing"
- "But Still It Turns"
- Cabeza de Baca
- Cain
- Calel
- "Campaign"
- Cameron-Weir
- Campbell
- Carney
- Campos-Pons
- Canogar
- Cao Fei
- Capote
- castaneda/reiman
- Catpc
- Cave
- Caycedo
- Chan
- Cheng
- "Chick Lit"
- Choumali
- M. H. Clark
- Clark and Pougnaud
- Clements
- Cloepfil
- "Closer Now"
- Cokes
- W. Cole
- Coleman
- Conley
- Connor
- Coolquitt
- Cooper
- Cordova
- Córdova
- Cormand
- "Corporations Are People Too"
- Craycroft
- "Crazy Lady"
- "Crossing Brooklyn"
- Cwynar
- Cytter
- Da Corte
- Daignault
- Dalton
- "Data Dynamics"
- de Beer
- "Decenter"
- "Degrees of Freedom"
- Delvoye
- de Rozas
- "Designing Peace"
- DeVille
- Dickson
- Dijkstra
- B. Diller
- Diller Scofidio + Renfro
- Dinkins
- "A Disagreeable Object"
- Djurberg
- Dolmanisth/Masters
- Dorland
- Draeger
- Drift
- "Due Process"
- Dumbo Art Festival
- Dunkan
- Eckhaus Latta
- Elektra KB
- Eliasson
- Elmgreen/Dragset
- "An Emphasis on Resistance"
- Engelen
- "Entelechs and Allies"
- Epes
- Erlich
- Ersser
- "Evidence of Accumulation"
- "Produced at Eyebeam"
- "Face to Face"
- Fake
- Falls
- Faruqee
- "Fashioning Fiction"
- Rachel Feinstein
- Fernández
- Ferris
- "Figuring the Floral"
- U. Fischer
- Flood
- "Flow"
- Foerster
- Fontaine
- "Fore"
- "The Forever Now"
- For Freedoms
- Fraser
- "Free"
- Freeberg
- Freeman
- "Freestyle"
- "Frequency"
- D. Fried
- Frintrop
- Furnas
- "Furniture"
- Gabrielli
- Gaillard
- Galindo
- J. Gardner
- Garner
- Garnett
- Gaskell
- Gates
- Gatson
- Gavin
- Geisler
- Gelitin
- Geller
- Genger
- Gerber
- Germain
- Gerrard
- Ghani and Kelly
- "Ghosts"
- Gibson
- Gillick
- Gillie and Marc
- Gilmore
- Glaessner
- "Global Feminisms"
- Godine
- Golden
- "The Gold Standard"
- Golshiri
- D. Gonzáles
- T. Gonzales
- Goss
- "Grace"
- Grant
- "Greater New York"
- E. Greenbaum
- Greenwood
- "Grief and Grievance"
- Groeneboer
- Grosse
- Grzeszykowska
- Guyton/Walker
- Haendel
- Hahn
- Halilaj
- Hanley
- Hariri & Hariri
- Hardy
- L. A. Harris
- R. Harrison
- Hasselknippe
- Hayden
- Hayes
- C. Haynes
- "Headlines"
- Heatherwick
- Hein
- Henrot
- Herring
- Herschlein
- Hershman
- Herzog & de Meuron
- Hesidence
- Hewitt
- Gabrielle L'H. Hill
- R. Hill
- Hirschhorn
- Hoff
- Hoke
- Höller
- Hope
- "Hope Is a Discipline"
- Hopkins
- "The Horror Show"
- Hough
- Hovnanian
- "How Much Do I Owe You?"
- E. O. Hughes (aka Roydson)
- Hume
- Hundley
- Hunters Point library
- Husni-Bey
- Hutton
- "#ICPConcerned"
- "Idols of Perversity"
- Iglesias
- "ilovephotograph.com"
- "Immersion"
- Independent
- Ingrisano
- "Inheritance"
- "In Practice"
- "Itself Not So"
- "Its Endless Undoing"
- "It's Time for Me to Go"
- Jacir
- Jaeger
- Jafa
- Jankowski
- Jemison
- Johanna
- C. Jones
- Joseph
- Joskowicz
- Jungerman
- Kanso
- Kaphar
- Kassay
- Kawamata
- KAWS (Brian Donnelly)
- Keefe
- Kenny
- Kerr
- Kessler
- Keys
- Khomenko
- C. J. H. Kim
- Kirk
- Kiwanga
- Kline
- "Knight's Move"
- Koh
- S. Klein
- Klima
- K. Knight
- Koester
- Korean Media Arts Festival
- Kurland
- Lansing-Dreiden
- Larson
- Laser
- Lê
- Ledare
- C. Lee
- M. Lee
- Simon Lee
- Leech
- Leener
- Lehun
- Z. Leonard
- Libeskind
- Li Binyuan
- Lidén
- "Liminal Spaces"
- Lindquist
- Lionni
- Lipke
- Lockhart
- Loeppky-Kolesnik
- Logan
- Longacre-White
- "Love/War/Sex"
- Lowe
- Lozano-Hemmer
- Luger
- Lyall
- Madonna
- Mahalchick
- "Make It Now"
- Maravilla
- Markosian
- Martiel
- Marten
- "Marvels of My Own Inventiveness"
- Masley
- Materson
- Mattai
- Mattingly
- Maya
- Mays
- McAllister
- McClodden
- McCoy
- McGee
- McGill
- McKnight
- McMillian
- S. McQueen
- Mehretu
- Melhus
- Mesa-Baines
- Mesa-Pelly
- Meyohas
- Mian
- Michie
- Mik
- Milan
- Mingwei
- Minujín
- Mir
- T. Mitchell
- Mobarak
- Moffatt
- Monkman
- "MOOD"
- Moran
- Morimura
- Morris
- Mosse
- "Multiplicity"
- Muniz
- Muslimova
- Nader
- Napier
- Nasatir
- Naumann
- M. Nelson
- "NeoHooDoo"
- Neshat
- Neto
- Neuenshwander
- "New Black Heavies"
- "New Intuitions"
- "New Order"
- "New Photography"
- Nkanga
- NY Electronic Arts Fair
- Newkirk
- Nix
- Obadike
- Ohanesian
- Olivares
- M. Oliver
- Olivier
- "One Hand Clapping"
- "One on One in Video"
- Onofre
- "Open Call"
- Open Sessions
- "Organic Geometries"
- Osborn
- Ostoya
- Otero
- "Otherworldly"
- Ourahmane
- Overton
- Ozkaya
- "Pacha, Llaqta, Wasichay"
- "Pass, Carry Hold"
- Patterson
- Pauline
- Paulson
- Pearlstein
- Pentecost
- Pepe
- "Perfect Trouble"
- "Perpetual Revolution"
- Peterman
- "PLOT/09"
- Plumb
- Pnini
- Poitras
- Portnoy
- Powhida
- Preheim
- "The Presidency"
- Probst
- Provosty
- "Puddle, Pothole, Portal"
- Quinlan
- Qureshi
- W. Raad
- Rafferty
- Raissnia
- Rand
- Rasdjarmrearnsook
- "Recapturing the Scenic Wilds"
- Reafsnyder
- Redl
- "Refigured"
- Reis
- "Remote Viewing"
- "Renew Reuse Recycle"
- "Repetition and Difference"
- Reynolds/Jolley
- Rhizome
- Rhode
- D. Rhodes
- S. G. Rhodes
- Riedel
- Rist
- M. Ritchie
- Rivlin
- Robertson
- Roland
- Rommel
- Rondinone
- Rose
- Rosheger
- Ross
- Rothberg
- Rottenberg
- Rozin
- Ruby
- Ruttenberg
- Sachs
- Sala
- Santiago
- Sarkisian
- Sasamoto
- H. Saunders
- Savdie
- Schipper
- Schlingensief
- Schori
- Schulnik
- "Scratch"
- "Searching the Sky for Rain"
- "Second Lives"
- Sehgal
- Seibel
- Sepuya
- September 11 Memorial
- "Set and Drift"
- Shah
- "The Shallow Curator"
- Shelley
- Shepherd
- B. M. Sherman
- Shiferaw
- Shiota
- SHoP
- Shore and Fisher
- Shotz
- Sibony
- Sigurdardóttir
- Silaghi
- Sillman
- Silveira
- Silverthorne
- Sime
- X. Simmons
- Simon
- Smit
- A. Smith
- B. and R. Smith
- M. Smith
- P. A. Smith
- S. Smith
- D. Snow
- "Social Media"
- "Soft Water, Hard Stone"
- Soleimani
- "Songs for Sabotage"
- "Soundings"
- "Sprawl"
- Spaulings
- "Statuesque"
- St. Hilaire
- St. John
- Stockholder
- C. Stout
- R. Stout
- "Strange Magic"
- "The Studio Visit"
- Suh
- Sullivan
- "Surround Audience"
- "Surrounds"
- Susiraja
- Swartz
- Sze
- Szymanski
- Tam
- Tavakolian
- Tegeder
- "Tenses"
- "30 Seconds off an Inch"
- Thater
- Thayer
- "This Longing Vessel"
- "This Place"
- H. W. Thomas
- Thornton
- Thurber
- Tichy
- "Time Management Techniques"
- Timoney
- Toguo
- Tomme
- Toranzo Jaeger
- "Total Disbelief"
- Trecartin
- Trouvé
- "Trust Me"
- Tunga
- "Twisted Data"
- Tykka
- Uklanski
- "Under the Same Sun"
- "Uneven Growth"
- "The Ungovernables"
- "Unmonumental"
- "Un/Natural Occurrences"
- "Unorthodox"
- Upson
- "Uptown"
- "Useless"
- van Yetter
- Villar Rojas
- Varejão
- Vega
- Vialu
- Victoria
- Violette
- Vitale
- "Vital Signs"
- Vo
- Volta
- von Bergen
- von Bonin
- Vonna-Michell
- Wagenknecht
- "Waiting for Omar Gatlato"
- Kelley Walker
- W. Walker
- Ward
- Washburn
- Wasmuht
- "Waste Not, Want Not"
- Watts
- Waugh
- Way
- Welling
- E. Wesley
- "What It Becomes"
- "When the Stars Begin to Fall"
- A. M. White
- J. White
- White and Oleksiak
- Whitney Biennial
- Wilcox
- Wilkes
- A. Williams
- J. Williams
- S. Williams
- Wine
- Wong Ping
- X-Initiative
- Yasinsky
- Yi
- "Younger than Jesus"
- Yuskavage
- Zarzeczna
- Zausner
- Zerbini
- Zindato
- Zittel
- Zucker